Posted by : Oelette Nudols
Miyerkules, Setyembre 24, 2014
I was about to post this months ago but then I'm busy for midterms and the details are not complete so I posted this just now. First I don't care about Weaboos phenomena thingy as long as it does not concern me. I let things go with their flow and let them do what they want. But for now, after seeing Netizen quarrels about being a Weaboo or not on a certain Facebook fan page, throwing foul words to each other and talking crap Weaboos whatnot.
What's the big deal being an WEABOO?
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Let me start it with, WHAT IS WEABOO/WAPANESE? Weaboo is a combination of a word WANNABE and JAPANESE. A non-Japanese person who is
So now you think you are one of those Certified Weaboo just because some of it fits the shoe? Now let us go deeper, let us talk more about what is Weaboo so that you won't be confused. If you think you are a Weaboo here are some advice for you to realize sort of stuff but seriously speaking being a waeboo is not a big deal FOR ME Now, what are things you must first to realize? this is all based on my opinion.;
1. I, myself, really like Japanese culture, I even read articles about it, example: how you use chopstick while eating in Japan, The right degree angle when you Bow to someone BUT I never used it, I never say ITADAKIMASU! in front of anyone before I eat my meals or say TADAIMA! when I got home because it is not part of my culture. And that is so
2. And because I have watched and like Anime, I self study myself to learn Nihon Go. I searched all over the internet about how I can speak Japanese and studied, I learned a lot BUT I never speak Japanese in front of my classmate UNLESS the one i'm speaking with could understand what I'm saying or I must say a buddy who's also studying Japanese. Or never say BAKAA!!!!!!, KAMPAIII!!!!!! specially to strangers or any random short Japanese phrases, Hey! baby you are kawaii desu~~~, Please tell me Harry-Kun! Onegaiii~, Notice me senpai! (I always say Notice me senpai, whenever I talk to my co-otakus, for they can understand it, and get my point.) Do not ever insert Japanese words in the middle of your mother tongue language. Well you are safe if you are studying Japanese, because you're just using it orally but
3. I adore the personality of Konan of Naruto, Ryuko Matoi and Yato of Noragami, but hey! I never think of being exactly like them, all the lesson I have encountered while watching anime I apply it in my life but I NEVER ACT LIKE I'M THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER OF THE ANIME I ADORE. Be yourself, I mean, you can't just be that fictional character, right? You don't have to push yourself way too hard to be the anime character you adore. Be yourself.
4. Never EVER cause a fight over an Anime Character, put in your mind that everyone has their own opinion and so you are which everyone should respect and so they are to you. Remember, Anime character don't even exist for you to hurt someone using verbal abuse. If someone tell you I hate Kirito and he is a gay IGNORE, who cares anyway?
What I am pointing is that, you may like their culture ALWAYS RESPECT OTHERS AND EVEN YOUR OWN CULTURE, you can watch several types of anime, you can speak their language in a appropriate way.
You can't be already a Waaeboo by just watching anime but nowadays people mistaken Weaboo by just watching anime
These are just some of the information, but being a Weaboo is a long way more discussion than this.
So that's it, for my final speech here is the link of 10 steps on How to avoid becoming a Weaboo CLICK HERE. But I tell you, Waaeboo or not, Anime is still Anime. Thank you for reading! :)
To make it simple, weaboo is an exaggeration over anime or Japanese stuffs. If a person is not into this kind and knows how to act properly, he/she can be considered as an anime enthusiast. It is more politically correct than saying you're an otaku, which is a negative connotation in Japan.